We value family, community, and you!
Prayer Group
Prayer is an invitation to connect with God in an intimate conversation about life. Several members from our church join together each week online (via Zoom) to pray for each other, church, town, nation, and world. We would love for you to join us.
Click on the link here to join the Zoom Meeting:
Knitting Group
Please bring your lunch and join us for knitting hats for newborns babies born at Oakville Trafalgar Hospital and prayer shawls for those in hospice. You don’t need to know how to knit to attend. No sign up needed and all are welcome to attend!
Gamblers Annonymous
We offer this organization a place to meet each week in our building and we prayerfully support those struggling with this heartbreaking addiction. Their meetings are held every Saturday night from 7:00 to 8:15 pm.